Monday, July 27, 2009

Geometric Sun

Geometric Sun
Acrylic on Canvas

It is hard to believe that I have not posted anything since late May. Time certainly flies by when one is wrapped up in many different projects. For the most part I have been focusing on painting, hiking, and arranging a new location to show my ice-painting quartet photographs.

The above painting is one of several that I have worked on over the past two months. More will follow over the next week or two as time permits.

The idea for this painting comes from a suggestion by my cousin to create a summer themed painting. Geometric Sun is essentially my perception of summer based on what comes to my mind when I think of summer: red, yellow, orange, sun, and sunrays.


  1. I like the strong and simple approach to this. Hey - you could do the four seasons!

  2. Great idea, Philip. I may just do that.

  3. Wow, very nice, very simple, yet creative and powerful.
