Thursday, January 22, 2009

Painting in Ice - Layer Three

This is the third and final layer in the Ice Painting Abstracts experiment. These photographs were taken after allowing the ice block to remain outdoors on my balcony for three days, thereby allowing the colours of the second layer to slowly interact with those on the third layer as the sun slowly melted the ice block during the daylight hours and it refroze during the evenings.

All photographs are done on macro.


  1. I am very interested to see where you go next - it necessarily with ice but anywhere. being on a journey is the important thing - each stop is just a pause to the next place. I never want to reach a destination.

  2. 'not necessarily' I should have said!

  3. I agree ... arriving somewhere always ends up being a letdown and not as much fun as the journey.

    Wood is something that has been percolating in the back of my mind for a while. I think I'm just waiting for the proper catalyst to present itself in order for me to take off in that direction.

  4. Taking a few photos of wood might inspire you!
