Thursday, May 21, 2009

Long Weekend Reflections

Lavender Pearled Buddha Tree

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

Here are a few reflections, written (variant haiku) and photographic from a wonderful long weekend of hiking and photography at Komoka and the Pinery in the company of a most enchanting friend.

Forest breathes
The sound of waves
From a distant sea

Two ripples Intersect
Together briefly
Forever changed

Takes your breath away
Drowned in beauty

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ice-Painting Quartet Video Part 1 and 2

Above is a video presentation of the Ice Painting Quartet display for those unable to make it to the Spencer Gallery to view the photographs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ice-Painting Quartet Display pt. 1

First Story

Intergalactic Observer, the multi-faced being whose gaze sees all, gives rise to Fragmentation, in the end leaving us nothing more than a Spectre.

Ice-Painting Quartet Display pt. 2

Second Story

A beautiful Moon Flower basks in the moonlight. Its fragrance is so intoxicating we find ourselves pulled Behind the Curtain where we dance and revel until the Rusty Sun rises.

Ice-Painting Quartet Display pt. 3

Third Story

A Butterfly flutters here and there. Be careful not to follow too close lest the butterfly is a faerie and you find yourself transported to the enchanted lands where The Pigtailed Girl Plays with Lipstick and the Irish Brawler battles the green faced man.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ice-Painting Quartet Display pt. 4

Fourth Story

Behold, The Painted Man as he prepares himself for a spiritual journey of Deconstruction, Along the Orange String Road.

It is hard to believe that a month has gone by since I last posted anything on the blog. This past month has been a very eventful one to say the least. What originally began as a month that would see me get to relax and enjoy a two-week family reunion around Easter time, turned into a three-week crash course in putting together my first show.

Needless too say, I survived the process and managed to get my first show off the ground with the help of my two cousins and some close friends. Therefore, a special thank you too all of you for your help.

Shown above and in the succeeding posts are the photographs selected for my series entitled, Ice-Painting Quartet. The show will run from May through June at the Spencer Gallery in the D. B. Weldon library at the University of Western Ontario.

For inquiries please email: